Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's Confirmed

Addison, John and I ventured to go see Dr. Crowder today and it's official. I am pregnant. I went into the ultrasound room and the second I layed on the table Addison freaked out. The ultrasound tech (Julie) said that it is extreemly common for a child to freak out like Addison did because they feel threatened and they don't want their Mommy to get hurt. (AWE!!!) So we heard the heartbeat and then John and Addison went for a car ride.
During the ultrsound Julie made a sound and said OH. I let it slide and then we started talking about high HCG levels. Some of you know that I was a little concerned that I might be pregnant with twins because it took like two seconds for the little lines to be dark and I was only a week pregnant. Then she (Julie) proceeded to say that she thought she saw twins, but it was just where my ovarie had blasted the egg. It was still swolen I guess. It's amazing to me that they can tell which ovarie you ovulated from. So anyway....NO TWINS. HOORAY.
I talked to Dr. Crowder and everything is a go. He said that since we heard the heart beat we should be in the clear. I am currently 7 weeks 1 day along and the baby is measuring 6 weeks 1 day (totally normal). My due date is April 1st. Of course I would have a baby with a due date on April Fool's Day. (ha ha ha) I think with this pregnancy I am going to keep a video diary. Should be kinda cool.
I hope everyone is having a great summer. I can't wait to do more updates now. :)


Millicent ;) said...

Actually, it might have been twins.... Robbie was a twin (shudder....) My HCG levels were so high, that mom pulled strings for me to have an ultrasound at week 3 or so. We were shown the twin (peanut shaped dark blob) disintegrating. Apparently, this is quite common. It happens to about 25% of women but they never find out because by the time they have their ultrasound all evidence is gone. Fancy that!?!

The Armstrong's said...

WOOO HOOO! Can you believe you are here again? I'm so happy that everything looks good.

Teresa in Tunisia said...

Yea for you guys! That is so fantastic. We had a good time seeing ya'll in July. Addison is so cute :).

Talk to you soon and congrats again!


Gali said...

Congrats! Can't wait to share the moments with you!

Oh and by the way, been there done that (14 months apart), and yes you are crazy. It's amazing how the mind forgets the bad and remembers the good.

I love Pappa Spychaj!

Tracy Robinson said...

ooohhhh, i am so excited!!

The Houstons said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting for you, John and Addison. I hope you have a great pregnancy!